Collective Brilliance

When did you come to believe that it's all up to you . . . and your own smarts, resources and grit to make a difference in the world?

Whenever it was, that faulty thinking has overwhelmed and stopped far too many of us from fulfilling our God-given callings to do, reach and be more.  By utilizing the power of Collective Brilliance the authors will help you:

  • Discover how your interests and passions aren't just personality, but spiritual gifts

  • Escape negative self-talk, and take the first steps to fulfill a meaningful calling

  • Watch how your personal ministry blesses your family now, and leaves a legacy forever

  • Choose to involve others, and enjoy the synergy, support and accountability they offer.

What Readers are Saying:

As children we were taught that 4x1+4, but when that equation includes four bright women who combine their God-given strengths, 4x1- Collective Brilliance. In energetic fashion, the authors show how group accountability can lead to surprising spiritual synergy. An illuminating read for those who see to define and develop a personal ministry.
— Lynne Perry Christofferson, Composer and author of Sisters Arise
As one who has discovered her ministry and has shared accountability with nurturing women for over eight years, I am thrilled with the concept of collective brilliance. With the help of a caring and inspired team we are stronger, more brave and intentional.
— Karen Broadhead, Founder and director of Mothers Who Know
This ‘toolkit’ moves us from intentions and ideas to realizing that which we were inherently gifted to achieve.
— Ann Takasaki, Chairman of the Board of Big Ocean Women
Like these authors I’ve learned that life is a faith walk. If you keep your feet moving along the path, people, resources, connections and angels show up to support you.
— Heidi Totten, President of 100 Humanitarians International
Having lost my mother a few years ago, this book touched me greatly. It was like she was right by my side again. The wisdom, wit and counsel from these wonderfully wise women is like putting flowers in water — my soul is blooming again.
— Tyler Ford, Executive Communications Consultant